

So I've been having some frustration with my right eye for the last week and a half. You know, red, puffy, extremely painful, overly sensitive to all kinds of light. Fun stuff. I changed my contact, wore my glasses, etc. Didn't go away. Bah. Joey convinced me to let him take me to the doctor after I spent the day wearing Ray-Ban knock-offs at work and grimacing each time I walked outside. After thorough dye-and-wash job, I found another fun side effect of my intestinal pal. Iritis. Woo-hoo for steroid drops and piracy!


Brandon K. Baker said...

Very fitting seeing (no pun intended) as International Talk Like a Pirate Day was Sept. 19.

I like the patch, you make it work.

Colleen Franklin said...


emily said...

Hello friend! I hope things are getting better with your eye. Update us when you get a chance! How is the adoption process going? How is fall going?