
here begins the deep

I have begun the deep clean of the house. Because of how my brain works and actually having a job, this project takes place over several days and is mostly done at night. Also, because I am a procrastinator, my spring cleaning happens in September. Of course. I am EXCITED to show you pictures when it is done! Which is not yet!

So I am instead going to show you pictures of the creatures who have spent the last two and a half days laying on their bellies in the living room and very little else.

Bella and Moses: the Monochromatic Odd Couple.

*for clarification: Moses is my friend Andrea's rescue dog. A big ol' special needs labradoodle who spent a few nights with us while she was away for work. He is sweet and fun and friends with Bella.


Unknown said...

who on earth is MOSES?!?!!?
other than a very entertainingly looking creature!

if you could see my house.... i fired my housekeeper a while back. we are all suffering.


Trisha said...

You've inspired me, Heidi.

I've been trying to find the motivation to clean our house for WEEKS! So, after reading your post, I at least made my cleaning "TO DO" list...which is always at least a good start for me. We'll see if I actually check anything off of it this time!

...I miss you! :(

Unknown said...

heh, he is pretty dang cute. looks so serious though, as does Bella, always.....


trinity said...

Jordan was munchin on some Dino Chicken Nuggets...thought of you.